The night of June 28, 2004 and just after midnight into June 29, 2004.

The following radar shadows were depicted with ATC reporting level 4 and 5 precipitation.
These cells were encountered somewhere on a direct course between Richmond, Virginia
and Charlotte, North Carolina at 6000 feet MSL and on the same return course.

Set your tilt to paint ground behind cells. No ground behind cell = shadow-producing
thunderstorm cell or precipitation that causes attenuation.

Sorry, forgot to take a picture when tilt was up, so this is all I have for this one.

Tilt down:

Flying through light to moderate precipitation. Probably getting attenuation.
A little out of focus, probably due to turbulence when I took the picture.
Note the precip to the left of course.

Tilt set up:

Dont fly to the left. Tilt down shows why:

Hmmm, probably dont want to wander to the right of course...those scallopped edges
on the back side of that return make me want to know whats behind it.

Tilt set up:

Tilt down:

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